A Warm, spicy-herbaceous, minty aroma. Add a few drops to your 'terp' oil for a custom scented henna paste.
NAME: Spearmint
SPECIES: Mentha spicata
SAFETY DATA: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. As with all essential oils, never use undiluted, in eyes or on mucous membranes, do not ingest.
PARTS: Flowers
METHOD: Steam Distilled
CLASS: Ketone
AROMA: Warm, spicy-herbaceous, minty
DESCRIPTION: A hardy branched perennial herb with bright green, lance shaped sharply toothed leaves, quickly spreading underground runners and pink or lilac colored flowers in slender cylindrical spikes.
BLENDS WELL WITH: Basil, benzoin, eucalyptus, jasmine, lavender, orange, peppermint, rosemary
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTS: L-carvone (50-70%), dihydrocarvone, phellandrene, limonene, menthone, menthol, pulegone, cineol, linalol, pinenes, among others.
Scent your own custom essential oil blend by adding a few drops of Lemongrass Essential to your main 'terp' (Cajeput, Tea Tree, Niaouli, Lavender) essential oil.