Warnings and Safety with Henna


This product is intended for use in experimental body art. Henna body art should be avoided on those under six years of age, those with extreme anemia, G6PD deficiency, naphthoquinone sensitivity, have been advised to avoid fava beans, or have citrus allergies. If you have any concerns consult your physician. 

Natural fresh henna paste is generally considered safe and should be made with only ground and dried henna leaves, water, lemon or apple juice, sugar and essential oils. Henna paste is perishable and must be stored in the freezer when not in use.

If pregnant use only lavender essential oils in the henna paste and consult your physician first. Do not ingest. All products can, on rare occasions, cause allergic reaction. The product should not be applied in or near the eyes, nose, genitalia, on open wounds or cuts, or to sensitive or broken skin. If you are unsure about sensitivity, a patch test is advised. Apply the product to the inside of the elbow. If a reaction occurs within 60 minutes, do not use. Not for internal use.

Avoid “BLACK HENNA” or “Emergency Henna Cone” products or ANY HENNA PASTE MADE IN INDIA/PAKISTAN that may use chemical additives or hair dyes that contain PPD (paraphenylenediamine) to obtain a black stain. PPD can cause long-term damage to internal organs such as kidneys and liver, can blister and permanently scar the skin. Chemical dyes stain the skin within 30 minutes and are dark immediately. Black henna products are not safe or natural and should never be applied to the skin.